FIGS, Federazione Italiana, Giochi Storici



Primo Venerdì di Agosto,

Giovedì precedente e Domenica successiva

  FIGS, Federazione Italiana, Giochi Storici



Associazione Palio del Duca
Via San Rocco, 7
Acquaviva Picena (AP)
Tel. e Fax 0735 764115




  FIGS, Federazione Italiana, Giochi Storici

In the year 1234 Forastèria, daughter of Rainaldo of Acquaviva, named "the Big", married Rinaldo of Brunforte, Prince of Mogliano, son of Bonconte nephew of Fidesimo of Brunforte, Prince of Sarnano and Vicar of Frederic II. It was a very good marriage for the Acquaviva family, because Frederic II, who was bound very much to the Brunforte, could strenghten his position in the Piceno area. Forastèria and Rinaldo had seven children: Ottaviano, Rinaldo, Corrado, Ugolino, Francesca, Margherita, Gualtiero and each one are well fullfilled.
SPONSALIA is the historical revocation of this marriage, that is performed between July and August at Acquaviva Picena every years since 1988 by the association "Palio del Duca". Games, performances, mediaval ballets and the marriage banquet take place within the Fortress. SPONSALIA an homage to love! Nello Gaetani (President of the Association "Palio del Duca". The drawing of the cover - by the professor Nello Compagnoni - was first used as a "drape" for the second edition of the "Palio"; afterwars it became the symbol gonfalon of the Acquaviva performance. It represents the meeting between Forastèria and Rinaldo under the mannor walls of Acquaviva Picena and was on a norther miniature. Used at the tug-of-war, the Duca Wheel was conceived and planned by the engineer Francesco Veccia.



" Versione Italiano "


"Versione Inglese "